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File Line Function
/inc/plugins/tapatalk.php 11 errorHandler->error
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/inc/init.php 239 pluginSystem->load
/global.php 20 require_once
/showthread.php 28 require_once

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Danke Ricky!
...das >>ach nee<< war etwas "grantig" gemeint, denn in andren Ländern scheint das schon länger "bekannt" zu sein......

Acta Paediatr Scand. 1988 Nov;77(6):807-11.

Plasma antibodies to cow's milk are increased by early weaning and consumption of unmodified milk, but production of plasma IgA and IgM cow's milk antibodies is stimulated even during exclusive breast-feeding.

Tainio VM, Savilahti E, Arjomaa P, Salmenpera L, Perheentupa J, Siimes MA.

Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki, Finland.

We measured levels of cow's milk-specific (CM) antibodies of immunoglobulin classes G, A and M by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in plasma of 198 healthy infants; a variable number of samples taken at birth and at ages of 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 and 28 months were available (altogether 765 samples). The rise in the level of IgG CM antibodies was highest and most rapid in infants exposed to CM formula before the age of 1 month. The level fell by 9 months, but rose again by 12 months. This second rise was attributed to the introduction of dairy milk. Partially breast-fed and fully weaned infants had similar levels of IgG CM antibodies. The levels of IgG CM antibodies were unaffected by the infants' own atopy, their heredity for atopy, and the umbilical serum level of IgG CM antibodies. IgA and IgM CM antibodies were absent at birth. Their levels increased similarly in exclusively breast-fed infants and infants fed CM formula. We conclude that plasma IgG antibodies to cow's milk are increased by early weaning and by consumption of unmodified cow's milk. Production of plasma IgA and IgM antibodies to cow's milk is stimulated even during exclusive breast-feeding.

PMID: 3207017 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Diabetologia. 1992 Oct;35(10):980-4.

An increased level of antibodies to beta-lactoglobulin is a risk determinant for early-onset type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus independent of islet cell antibodies and early introduction of cow's milk.

Dahlquist G, Savilahti E, Landin-Olsson M.

Department of Pediatrics, University of Umea, Sweden.

Using a case-control design we have studied whether antibodies to cow's milk proteins are risk determinants for childhood-onset Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus independent of early exposure to cow's milk formula and islet cell antibodies. Sera from 116 recent-onset diabetic children and 112 age- and sex-matched control children were analysed for cow's milk protein IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies, beta-lactoglobulin IgA and IgM antibodies and islet cell antibodies. The titres were compared to questionnaire data on duration of breast-feeding and introduction of formula feeding. Most antibody levels tended to be increased among diabetic compared to control children. This was statistically significant for cow's milk protein IgA antibodies (p less than 0.001) and beta-lactoglobulin IgA antibodies (p less than 0.01) as well as for islet cell antibody-positivity which was found among 92% of the diabetic and 3% of control children. The differences in cow's milk protein antibodies as well as beta-lactoglobulin antibodies were more pronounced among children with an early onset of Type 1 diabetes. Breast-feeding duration was significantly inversely related to the log of beta-lactoglobulin IgG (r = -0.16, p = 0.04) and the log of cow's milk protein IgA antibodies (r = -0.17, p less than 0.001). A positive correlation was found between formula feeding and the logarithm of beta-lactoglobulin IgG antibodies (r = 0.22, p = 0.01) and the log of cow's milk protein IgA antibodies (r = 0.16, p = 0.04).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

PMID: 1451957 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

1998 Dissertation Silvia Seebaum > Wertigkeit von A1- und A2- Antikörpern gegen Beta-Casein beim Typ I-Diabetes mellitus
Ich fürchte allerdings, unsre "Ernährungsexperten" bleiben davon völlig unbeeindruckt : ungeachtet der internationalen Erkenntnisse wird munter Magermilchjoghurt und Käse &Co als Zwischenmahlzeit und als "Betthupferl " empfohlen - was dann manchem Patienten Hypoglycämien beschert ...über Jahre hinweg! X( X( X(
Selbst bei erwiesener IgE-vermittelter Kaseinallergie wird das empfohlen..............

Aber auch "Alters-Diabetiker" sind in der Regel NMU`ler- nicht nur die "jugendlichen - "......

Aber wehe, Ratten wird es schlecht, wenn sie in einem einmaligen Versuch mit Pommes gefüttert werden!!!! ( Ist ja auch die völlig "normale" Ernährung für die Nager ?( ) DER Skandal um Acrylamid erschüttert unsre heile Küchenwelt...
...schon eine merkwürdige Gewichtung!


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Diabetes - von Uli - 08.10.2004, 07:01
Re: Diabetes - von Uli - 13.05.2009, 11:57
Re: Diabetes - von Uli - 27.06.2009, 16:05
Re: Diabetes - von Margareta - 14.11.2010, 18:48
Diabetes - von Benita - 08.10.2004, 09:07
Diabetes - von Mapiko - 08.10.2004, 12:30
Diabetes - von Uli - 08.10.2004, 14:01
Diabetes - von Uli - 05.11.2004, 19:39
Diabetes - von Uli - 07.11.2004, 19:54
Diabetes - von Ricky - 08.12.2004, 18:44
Diabetes - von Uli - 08.12.2004, 20:59
Diabetes - von Uli - 11.05.2005, 18:08
Diabetes - von Uli - 24.10.2005, 21:38

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